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Babies For
(Email sheep@bluegrassbabydolls.com for availability.)
Black Eyed Pea and Navy Bean |
Coconut and Cutie taking a nap |
Butterbean (Dumbo?) and String Bean |
Date, Fig, and Raisin (our first set of triplets this year!) |
Kiwi (is this something to eat?) |
Carrot thinks this is HIS house! |
Don't think about getting on my porch? |
If you're happy and you know it, JUMP!! |
I can take you both! |
Kiwi learning to whistle |
String Bean (It's my house now!) |
Canteloupe (yummy yummy in my tummy!)! |
Granny Smith |
Papaya |
Butter Bean |
I know I'm cute! |
Are you my mommy? |
Radish |